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Showing posts from October, 2024

Proposed Senate Treaty Bill & Resolution: The Middle East Peace and Safety Repatriation Bill

As your U.S. Senate candidate from Minnesota, I am proud to lead The Anti-Poverty Senate Campaign: A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding and Addressing the Multifaceted Issue of Poverty in the United States. This mission is born out of an unwavering commitment to creating a more equitable society by tackling poverty head-on, both here in Minnesota and across the nation. Our campaign offers a bold, data-driven analysis of poverty statistics, explores the socioeconomic factors that perpetuate disparities, and brings together political theories and scientific methods to drive systemic change where it is most needed. Now more than ever, America stands at a crossroads. Our nation requires a transformative vision, not just within our borders but also in our foreign policy. As we grapple with poverty domestically, we also hold a duty to address our role in global security and human rights. Our shared constitutional power in treaty-making places a unique responsibility on the Senate, along...

The Two Party System Is Rigged and Designed To Keep Independent Candidates Off The Ballot

  In 2024, my journey to becoming a U.S. Senate candidate in Minnesota exemplifies the difficulties faced by independent, minor-party, and write-in candidates due to the stranglehold of the two-party system. In February 2024, I announced my candidacy with the endorsement of the Legal Marijuana Now Party of Minnesota. Shortly after, Ken Martin, chair of the Minnesota DFL Party, filed a lawsuit to retroactively uphold laws changed by the DFL majority and Minnesota GOP minority, aiming to redefine what constitutes a major political party. By April 2024, Martin escalated the issue, suing Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon to remove the Legal Marijuana Now Party from the ballot. In May 2024, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled in favor of removing the party from the ballot altogether. Despite the Legal Marijuana Now Party’s ongoing appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, this legal battle illustrates the lengths to which the two-party system will go to suppress third-party options, highli...