Help Me Get These Ideas 💡 To Washington D. C. Elect Christopher Seymore For Minnesota US Senate 2024 I Have Politics Down To A Science. Multiplying Positive Placed Values (M.P.P.V.) is not just a platform; it's a comprehensive approach fueled by a rich tapestry of theories. These diverse theories—Drama Theory, Metagaming, Game Theory, the Revelation Principle, Mechanism Design, Implementation Theory, and Incentive Compatibility—contribute unique perspectives and tools. Together, they form the backbone of our political reverse game theory platform, aimed at reversing institutionalized injustices and bridging gaps in our society . The Anti-Poverty Campaign ©️®️™️ In the pursuit of a more equitable society, the information compiled in this document represents a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing the multifaceted issue of poverty in the United States, with a particular focus on the state of Minnesota. It encompasses a detailed exploration of poverty statistics, the...